Zero Waste
Zero Waste
Zero Waste is a set of principles focused on waste prevention that encourages the redesign of resource life cycles so that all products are reused.
It's great to recycle your waste, but if you can avoid producing waste in the first place, that's even better for the environment. Everything we buy and use has an impact on the environment, so if you can reduce your waste by not creating things, or find ways to use them for longer, that's the best thing to do.
Reducing Your Waste in Edinburgh
There are loads of places in Edinburgh which help you avoid waste and help you to re-use things. From toy and tool libraries, to refill shops, this is a great place to start: Find out more at Zero Waste near me.
Household Items
Use the interactive Edinburgh charity shop and reuse map to find your nearest charity shop. You can also donate via the Re-use Line.
The Too Good To Waste guide is an A to Z guide of practical ways to reduce, reuse and recycle in Edinburgh.
Exchange schemes advertise items for free to reuse in your local area. Examples of exchange schemes include Edinburgh Freegle.
Food Waste
For advice on composting your unused fresh fruit and vegetables visit the Changeworks home composting website.
For tips on reducing food waste visit the Love Food Hate Waste campaign website.
Make shopping choices that help you save money and help the environment.
Take the Kitchen Canny Challenge and reduce your household's food waste.
Real Nappies
Modern reusable nappies are practical and easy to use and an eco-friendly alternative to disposable nappies. Edinburgh residents can try them out with a subsidised starter kit - visit the Changeworks real nappy website for more information.
Find out what to do with many items on Recycle for Scotland. Find out how to safely dispose of items on the Resource Efficient Scotland website.
​This information can be found on the City of Edinburgh Council website.